Luxe Life
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+90 224 714 18 19
Mobiliyum Mobilya AVM İnegöl/Bursa Karayolu 6.Km No:35 İnegöl/BURSA


LUXE LIFE has started the process of becoming a store with the decision of the company while it has been producing long-term for European retail stores in European market. After it has opened the store in Zurich, Switzerland, the store in Vienna, Austria, the stores in Kyrgyzstan and in Kosovo, it has started to provide service for Turkish consumers with 10 showrooms in the form of boutique furniture store concept in Turkey. When anybody says Luxe Life, a lot of things can come to mind. But the frst thing that comes to our mind is ‘design’, ‘our slogan’, ‘surprising furniture’, ‘what do we do?’, ‘we save the consumer from ordinary product depression..